Moving to Japan next year, is Gunma prefecture a good place?

Hi all, I will be moving to Japan next year for work (remote) in Japan, as I still have no Japanese except for the bare minimum, I will be learning too.

My questions are the following:

1- as I want a more calm/closer to nature but not so far that not having a good Japanese level will make my life difficult,
I thought about Gunma where there is a lot of Brazilians there and that would make it a lot easier to me in the beginning and get to be in a less crowded place, is that a good fit for Gunma or am I batter looking elsewhere?


2- I will be renting a house with a closed “backyard” as I have 2 dogs and a cat. That is also why I am not moving this year as I need to make sure everything is taken care of (rabis exams and so on). Would Gunma be a good place to find a house like that or should I look farther away from the Tokyo area and from the closest prefectures to it?


3- I will be working with IT(from home) and money won’t be a problem as I have savings and a really good salary (more thank 100k usd/ year), so thinking like that where would you suggest I move to other than close to Tokyo/Gunma? My way of life is simple, more close to nature, walking, trekking, discovering/exploring unusual places and stores and I don’t care about partying/clubbing at all and at most I would like to go to some concerts (Japanese rock/pop) every once in a while…

Thanks for the opportunity to leave this post and please feel free to suggest different places too.

  1. What are your opinions regarding snow and the associated shoveling of it? There are some quite snowy spots in Gunma, although not nearly as much as the other side of the mountains in Niigata or Nagano.

  2. I know it’s not the point of the thread but I’m curious what visa you’d be on.

    As for Gunma, I like it, it has great nature when I need to escape the concrete hell that Tokyo sometimes is.

  3. I recently rented a car and drove around Saitama and Gunma looking at properties. I found a very interesting rental property in Gunma. This 7LDK house is a spralling 350m2. It is surrounded on all sides by a large garden. They allow pets.

    Ten minute walk from the station, and less than 2 hours to Shinjuku.

    The rent is 110000 per month and the initial fees are also low. No key money.

    It is so big that entire wings of the house could be shut down and it would still be roomy. You would need to (1) buy and install several air conditioners or (2) live without air conditioning.

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