Notifying immigration of second job

If I have a primary job and I have a part-time contract second job, how would I go about notifying immigration? The online form ([]( requires that there is a previous employer (i.e. only one job at a time). The second job also falls under my visa status so I should not have an issue there.

  1. The form you’ve linked to is for changing job/address details when you move from one employer to another. Permission to engage in other activities (which is what you’re after) is part of the separate online system for renewing your residency status. If you aren’t registered for that, then you’ll need to do it in person.

  2. The link you posted is for notification if there are any changes to your resident status, jobs/employer/address, and since it is a P/T job which is within your resident status, then no need for notification. That is why the “a previous employer ” ….

    *second job also falls under my visa status*
    Then you should be fine, no need to contact immi. Unless your P/T job is not within your resident status, then you’ll need to apply for [Permission to Engage in Other Activity]( with immi.

    Did you check with your primary employer whether you are allowed to take P/T job ?

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