Improve Japanese or Undertake an Internship?

(I am currently already in Japan but I fear my Karma requirement is not enough to post on Japan Life. I hope it’s alright for me to pose my question here.)

I am waiting to start my full-time graduate program this October. I have 2.5 years’ worth of work experience and JLPT N2 certification. I’m thinking of working here when I graduate. But since I self-studied the language and didn’t have much experience with output prior to coming here, I still struggle with speaking and writing in Japanese.

I’m looking for ways to spend my rather free time until I start my graduate degree. I’m currently attending multiple Japanese classes/courses/会話 groups (with set dates/times) and looking for an internship. However, most internships that I am qualified for are looking for someone who can work full-time and for at least 6 months, which I currently can’t promise given my attendance in the aforementioned.

What would be more useful for me at this point: focusing on improving my Japanese and passing the JLPT N1 this July/December or taking on an internship/part-time job?

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