Would you eat a shark sashimi and nigri?

Would you eat a shark sashimi and nigri?

  1. I don’t eat shark in general because it’s overfished and high in mercury. I don’t find it disgusting, just objectively not a good fish to eat.

    If I was in Japan and having an omakase meal and they brought out shark as a course? Yes, I would try it then.

    But if it’s any kind of a la carte option or from a store, no. Plenty of good tasting, sustainable, and low-mercury fish options.

  2. While sure, it’s not super common, and edibility depends on the species, but I have had shark sashimi and it was delicious.

    There are hundreds of different species of shark and not all of them are considered good eating though. Smaller species like dogfish seem to be most common for raw consumption.

  3. Based purely on ethics, no I probably wouldn’t. Unless I was drunk on sake and it was complimentary. I wouldn’t pay money to support it.

  4. Sharks retain urea in their muscles. It is part of how they osmoregulate. In other words, they pee through their skin. I find that unappetizing, so no, I would not.

  5. There’s a 85% chance that the sushi you order isn’t in fact the species you’re ordering. 78% of tested fish samples purported to be yellowtail were false, 81% of tuna was false, 92% of scallops were fish paste pattys

  6. Its unethical so no. Same goes for whale. I did try it but i have always felt guilty about it. Say no to unethical meats and practices no matter how delicious.

  7. I would try it once. I don’t believe it’s ethically fished so I doubt I would seek it out on the regular.

  8. Would I? We call that fish a Rig – dogshark- and we eat it all the time in New Zealand

  9. I made a promise to Steve Irwin I would never eat one when I was 6 years old and I won’t let him down now.

  10. I’m willing to try anything, though off hand I imagine it’s tough and wouldn’t make for good sushi

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