I did a job change to Cloud Enginner and need some insight


As the title says, I did a job change into IT last year (october) and am needing some help with the field.
We work largely with AWS so I studied and took the cloud practitioner certification and am currently studying for the LPIC 1 Linux certification.
My day-to-day activities as of now are 運用保守/O&M (Operation and Maintenence) which is fairly boring but gives me time to study so its not that bad.

What I want to ask the senior cloud enginners of this sub is:

* Are the Japanese goverment certificates 国家資格 better to have in Japan as opossed to the globally accepted ones? (I intend to live here for the rest of my life)
* They want me to study more Security and asked for me to take the [IPA SC](https://www.ipa.go.jp/shiken/kubun/sc.html) (Registered Information Security Specialist Examination) certificate. Has anyone heard of this or actually took this certificate? Is it good or a waste of time?
* Aside from the AWS certificates are there any certificates that is good to have for someone not from the IT field? *Maybe the IT Passport one but I’ve heard that one is a* *waste of time.* (The company does have a certification support program but no one uses it, so the seniors couldn’t help me with this one)
* I’m not looking to study front-end right now but how much relevant is it really? Knowing basic front-end really impacts something in the work back-end wise?
* I mainly study in English and on my native language but is there something I should be wary of? Or is it best to study in Japanese? (In the sense that, japanese companies may do some of the work differently)

Sorry if I’m providing too little information. I feel that I’m not making progress workwise lately and my director said it’s fine but I think I could be doing so much more.
Thank you very much!

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