Unification Church ties cited in 40% of senior administrative positions in Japanese government

Unification Church ties cited in 40% of senior administrative positions in Japanese government


  1. Meanwhile, PM Kishida’s cabinet made the unilateral decision that it is unnecessary to investigate the relationship between high-ranking cabinet appointees (ministers, vice ministers, and parliamentary officials) and the Unification Church. This was in written response to official questioning. [(Japanese article)](https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/20220815-OYT1T50186/)

    Kishida is [now on vacation playing golf](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/08/2e3bacc97fda-japan-pm-kishida-hits-the-golf-course-at-start-of-summer-break.html).

  2. Obviously there’s other organisations beside the Moonies doing the same, such as Nippon Kaigi, which is why there’s zero legislation being proposed to deal with this issue.

    EDIT: Preempting replies that say Nippon Kaigi isn’t a religious organisation: A core tenet is their belief that the Emperor is descended from the sun along with all the other Shinto bangarola. They’re a religious organisation whether they’re registered as one or not.

  3. Everything is fun and games until you realize that a crazy amount of people that run your country are part of a crazy cult.
    I wonder if this is why there are so few regulations in Japan, and also why even though their policies are right leaning, there are crazy loopholes to make certain things that are frown upon by the right be legal.
    I bet if they would eventually become 80% of the government they would make guns legal in Japan 🤪

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