Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (February 01, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Any advice on reading kana-only sources (i.e NES SNES games etc.)? It’s really painful and slow

  2. What’s the best way to talk about following someone?

    I have four ideas:

    1. 彼女を付いて店まで行きました。

    2. 彼女を従って店まで行きました。

    3. 彼女を追って店まで行きました。

    4. 彼女の後を追って店まで行きました。

    My vague sense of these is that

    1. sounds neutrally as though I’m walking along beside her and she’s deciding where to go

    2. sounds like she’s more “in charge,” telling me where to go

    3. I’m chasing her

    4. I’m stealthily following her without her knowledge

    I could be completely off though. I’m not even sure all of these are grammatical.

  3. When i use a noun with になる, does the noun turn into an adverb or is it a set phrase? All the sources I’ve seen say you use an adverb with なる however I’ve only seen na + i adjectives become adverbs.

  4. I just started Japanese and have the Kana down; I’m a bit conflicted on WaniKani. I like the system, how it makes sure you lock it in on the short term and you can’t do a ‘trust me bro’ answer like in Anki (which I do from time, especially if I’m behind).

    However, I’ve heard WaniKani can take hours of reviews each day which takes away from everything else. Having learned two other languages (not as complicated as Japanese), what works is getting into content as quickly as you can.

    Most of my time in Wanikani is learning the reading, wouldn’t it be better to just learn the meanings, use 10ten if I need it so I get get to reading content quicker and then go back to learning the readings?

    It just seems like WaniKani is all consuming, and I have time, but I do feel like it’d be better to learn grammar, vocab, and kanji meanings first.

    I’m not trying to sound like I know this, I just want to be as efficient as possible to get to consuming basic content, thanks.

    Should I start with it now or start with something else?

  5. Hi all,

    great subreddit which I hope to contribute to more as time goes on.

    How much karma would I need to post?

  6. Sometimes there are って alone and even ってって and I have no idea what it means. Plz help

  7. is there any reason that the うちに 文法 can’t take past tense verbs in front of it?

    or is it just something to remember and don’t worry about reason

  8. I saw a sentence somewhere (forgive me I can’t recall where) that read 山の見える部屋。I translated this as a room with a view of the mountains. What I can’t figure out is the usage of の instead of が or just how exactly の is working here especially if it’s possessive.

    Any help?

  9. Anyone know where to pirate Japanese literature? I want to read 女嫌い, ニッポンのミソジニー and was wondering if there’s like a Japanese version of genlib

  10. Hi! I started my Japanese journey not so long ago. I learned Hiragana and Katakana and I started doing GENKI I.
    I read that vocabulary and kanji should be done simultaneously with grammar. I found the WaniKani Anki deck and doing it currently. I started with the radicals but there are over 400 radicals there. Should I learn all of them before starting the Kanji and/or Vocabulary section?
    Thanks for your help

  11. How long did it actually take you guys to get to each JLPT level? The official estimates have figures like 450 hours for N5 but time and time again I have seen people who have gotten there with 1/5 those hours so I was curious how long it actually took you guys.

    Also side question at what point could you guys actually start to enjoy media not explicitly made for kids? Not necessarily complex content but something like Animal Crossing which uses simple but regular language for the most part

  12. Can おかげでbe used when referring to a result that was thanks your own actions? Or is it seen as rude/overly prideful?

    Ex: 9ヶ月努力したおかげで、日本人となんとか会話ができました

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