Finding affordable athletic clothes for tall men

Hello everyone! Kind of a specific question here, but open to any suggestions. But I am a taller guy (190cm) and struggling to find some athletic clothing here. Does anyone have any suggestions? Preferably affordable options to haha. I have read other posts on here but even those stores seem to be a little short. Now a little background, I am a little bigger guy so I now that doesn’t help. Been progressively losing weight since moving here, but still have weight that gets in the way, especially with clothing. I found a store that is specifically big and tall, but it seems to be mostly higher end and more professional clothes. Been playing sports like 5 times a week, and was hoping to find some athletic clothes for that. So with all that information, does anyone have any recommendations? Also not likely, but extra awesome if you know a physical store I can go to in/around Osaka. Thank you in advance!

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