Hi everyone,
I’m considering buying a second-hand house that is situated off the side of a 1.9m wide public stairs. The land itself contains a 3m wide alley that is 10m long at the entrance [similar to this first image, but with stairs instead of a road at the front](https://i0.wp.com/japanpropertycentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Saikenchiku-fuka-land-1.jpg?w=840&ssl=1).
There is road access at the base of the stairs, but no parking nearby that I can see.
1) Does anyone have any experience of renovating or rebuilding on such a land? I understand that it would cost more due to difficult access – how much more would it cost compared to a building in normal situations?
2) The house is almost 50 years old. It seems solid however I can see water marks on the ceiling of the first floor. The floors are currently mostly carpeted so we cannot see the situation of the flooring underneath. The realtor said the house has no history of water leakage or termites, but also said that the owner will not be liable for any damages. How can we ensure that there are no damages to the house structure?
3) We are very new to home ownership / dealing with realtors. We are not sure if we can afford renovations right away but would like to eventually. Should we approach builders to get quotes for the future before we commit? What would you suggest as the next steps if we are considering this house?
The reason we are considering this place is because it is close enough to station that we will not need a car, and because of its age/access issues, it is cheaper than other houses in the area.