Another neighbor issue post (with a difference?)

I just moved from a good apartment due to a couple that were so bad that taking the financial hit was worth escaping. I could write a book about how much of a see you next Tuesday couple these people were! Been in my new place a short time and then……

Last night, 1:30am, the apartment block across the way, a voice talking wakes me up. I smell smoke (cigarette smoke). The neighbor has opened their side window (kinda sits under mine about 1m away) and is smoking and talking away on her cell phone. After 5 minutes, I open my window to see. It’s the block opposite. I slam the window shut in the hopes it will send the message. It doesn’t. I lay down and my blood starts boiling. After a few more minutes, several cackles and me imagining that a cigarette can’t last that long, the voice vanishes.

I drift off to sleep.

So this is a post all about how if you just have some patience and a forgiving nature……

No. It isn’t. I go back to sleep only to be awoken about 20 minutes later whilst window-loving-neighbor has cigarette number 2. I’m about to shout something when I see they’ve got earphones in (so didn’t hear the slam???) This time, I heard something else from somewhere, the talking stopped and it was all quiet.

I day dream all day about writing a note. I know what house it is. My inner Liam Neeson is on the cusp of emerging. But I have to go to work. I calm down and reformulate. I’m a calm person, I’m not bout to risk upsetting the harmony of things here. But after the insane couple I spent hundreds of hours and way too much ¥ escaping from, enough is enough.

1. How can I track down the building owner/manager of that complex across the way to contact them?
2. Do I write an annonymous note? If so…. Keep it civil or Liam Neeson it?
3. Do I inform my (cool and understanding landlord) and go that route?

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