Is an ALT job a black mark on your resume in Japan that makes it near impossible to get a teaching job?

There’s a guy on here I found in this sub saying that being an ALT is terrible on a resume if you want to teach in Japan and that it is almost impossible. He said things like:

>most employers will automatically toss applications with ALT work on them. They expect ALTs to be lazy, unmotivated people that never had a real job. And for most ALTs, this is completely true.

Anyone know if this is true? I have a decade of teaching experience in the United States and a Masters in TESOL. International schools are difficult to get into so I was hoping to be an ALT, gain fluency, and potentially look for a teaching position. The way this person made it sound, being an ALT is a black mark on your resume and its almost impossible to find a teaching job after. It doesn’t sound like he’s done hiring or has special knowledge though. Anyone know if that’s true?

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