Doubting myself about this

Hello everyone

An incident just happened to me that was honestly more annoying than scary lol

I’m still a little jittery because of the adrenaline so I’m sorry if my words are a little unorganized

I was on my way home from the gym at around 2am and everything was peachy. It was a little quiet and chilly and there weren’t that many people around other than a person, who I initially thought was a woman, because of their long beige trench coat, so I wasn’t really feeling on edge (as a woman myself lol). So I kept on walking. Turns out it wasn’t a woman but a man

I FR didn’t notice what this man was doing because I wasn’t really minding my surroundings as I’ve lived in this area for a while now and have been going to the gym at midnight (its just more convenient for my schedule and there’s less people at night). Then I saw this dude, cross the street coz and took the chance to fast walk coz i really wanted to go home asap.

That’s when I saw a shadow right behind me and gazed upon this pleasant gentleman’s face.I let out a little “oh fudge” and left it at that because i thought he didn’t have the intentions of scaring me and would just go his way. That’s when he let out a wonderful “why are u following me huh?” and my gym fried brain was like “??following” coz i don’t even know this dude and HE WAS BEHIND ME THE WHOLE TIME saying why u following me and i confronted him because i am not gonna be followed into my home by this unknown character let alone be harassed all the way home by those exact same words.

Here’s where stuff goes down, partly my fault. I started asking the dude in English, what’s his problem. I even hit him with a little “I don’t speak Japanese” so he’ll leave me alone. But he doesn’t. That’s when he started getting all up on my face and that’s when i started becoming an asshole and yes i know its my fault but my fight or flight instincts just hit me and I’m a fighter. I started confronting him hoping he’ll leave me alone but he doesn’t. Even kept on following me and stuff and stopping when i did. I got fed up and honestly was terrified because he had his little hands in his pocket the whole time and was getting super close to me and i fr thought i was gonna get a knife in my gut in this chilly night. (Ik a super paranoid thought lol).

And there is where i mess up the second time, I started recording the man. I know i shouldn’t have but i was honestly so terrified of this dude draining my life force, my initial thought was just to record him so if i get stabbed, Ill have a video of the evidence or something. He started filming me as well, saying “お前やるなら俺も(if u do that I’m doing it too”) and i was pissed and further terrified coz this wonderful human being thought this was a game. And yeah, I messed up coz the whole time, I was just being a major asshole and being scared was not an excuse.

Here’s where I messed up the third time, I went into a nearby Lawson to ask for help from the employees and obviously my paparazzi follows me.I feel so bad because this employee was just doing his job and outta nowhere he was part of a 24 yr old woman and a 40-50 something year old man’s beef. We argued a little bit with the employee just standing there and i feel so bad omg. Then the old dude hit me with the “lets call the cops” like i would be scared and he said sth like “they’d believe me” and i was snarky the whole time saying “oh coz ur Japanese right?” and honestly i just thought dude was racist. A lot happened like me yelling at him when he asked my name, coz i was not about to be hit with a “EH?” when I’m the one who’s time was being wasted.

Then the cops finally came, took both our sentences and made us delete the videos which i happily agreed because i don’t want that beautiful face of his in my camera storage. The cop (who was super nice) took my information. I asked the cop what’s gonna happen and he said nothing and that its just report thing (which i honestly don’t believe coz i don’t trust cops as nice as they are).Then they took me home and i got to ride in a police car (YAYY). AND GET THIS, ojisan douchebag’s home wasn’t even in my direction because the cops had to tell me he lives the opposite direction to reassure my nerves.

Edit: I’m sorry if this got long and was a bit unserious. I’m still in cope mode after what happened.
Feel free to share your experiences and to tell me how bad I handled the situation lol.

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