Small get together for 3 year old birthday party?

My daughter is turning 3 in couple of months. She goes to a day care and I know she has friends? (Maybe) they all know her.

I’ve never done birthday parties growing up but was jealous of other kids when they did it.

Ofc as a father and we moved here from USA. A year and half ago.. I want to give her experiences I never had.

The question is… Does any one know any kid friendly places by yokohama? I’m one/two stations away from there and I wanna do something not so expensive but a group party I can do for my daughter. Take in note that she is the eldest out of everyone cuz she just missed the cut off line to be with big kids.. so we’re dealing with 2 year old. (Of course I will try to see if inviting parents first before I book anything).

Any one have suggestions?

Edit: thank you all for those who have left me a comment! I am going to look at all of them!

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