2024 Early Departure Ineligibility Notification

Hi all,

Just received the following in an email from the (Canadian) National JET Desk:

>You were deemed ineligible for Early Departure due to **one or more** of the following reasons:
>\- A required document was not uploaded by the deadline November 14th
>\- A required document did not meet the guideline specifications by November 14th
>\- A required document in place of an agreed upon substitute document was not submitted in a timely manner
>\- The uploaded criminal record check did not meet specifications
>\- The uploaded statement of physician did not meet specifications
>*(Emphasis mine)*

I know there’s nothing to be done retroactively, but I’d like to be prepared in case I need to resubmit certain documents. Of course, this includes a new Criminal Record Check, i.e. the email ends with:

>You may be contacted on a separate occasion for documents related to your standard departure application. Please be advised.
>If selected for the interview and then asked to participate in the JET Programme, you will be expected to submit a new Criminal Record Check after notice of success.
>Any replies to this email asking for clarification of ineligibility will not be answered.

Frankly, I’m disappointed and slightly confused, namely because I had sent and received approval for a most of my documents to the folks at JET before uploading them to the portal. Secondly, I had every document uploaded at least a week before the deadline.

For example,

* I uploaded official electronic transcripts from my undergraduate and graduate institutions, but these did not use the “Blue Seal” certification system that JET required. Thus, I had transcripts sent directly from my undergraduate and graduate institutions to JET, and these transcripts were listed as “received” in my portal. I contacted JET directly, and they informed that this arrangement would be sufficient.
* I had sent my Criminal Record Check to JET because a seal wasn’t showing up well in the scan. I explained this over email, and they then replied with approval. Here is their reply, verbatim:

>Thank you for clarifying the seal and re-sending via a flatbed scanner.Your criminal records check is approved for use.Please ensure to upload a copy via the JET portal.

Has anyone experienced something similar before? I thought I had covered all my bases by contacting and receiving approval from JET, but it seems that something might have slipped through the cracks..

Any insight would be appreciated.


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