(OC Failure) This Was Supposed To Be Some Furikake Chicken Mayo Onigiri… But I Messed Up On The Rice :(

I took one look at my just finished cooking rice and cried internally… Man, it looked so wet it almost looked like congee! After mixing it and checking it out for a bit, I thought, “Lemme just attempt to shape it into an onigiri”…. And low and behold– it fell apart and was way to sticky and gross. I even made the filling… The final image is the rice mixed with the filling. I guess my family friend guests are gonna eat failed onigiri. I was literally making food so that my guests could eat. Bruh– Mom, why didn’t you tell me that you shouldn’t put the regular amount of water to cook rice with? It turned my sticky rice into congee rice! Guys, help, how much water do I put into the sticky rice when cooking it?

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