Best universities in Japan for undergrads looking for a master degree outside Japan?

Hi, I’m a SEA student seeking an English undergraduate program in Japan, particularly in Business and Sociology. I’m considering Waseda, Keio and Kyushu since there’s a specific scholarship designated for these uni. And these three are the only universities offering my desired program. I have a few questions:

1. What is the best choice if I plan to pursue a Master’s program outside Japan, preferably in the EU or other Western countries/regions? My long-term plan would be getting a job in Business/ Sociology or Education which involves frequent travel.
2. Are the courses offered by these universities actually insightful (that is, do I LEARN some actual and practical skills instead of just getting random good grades)
3. Will I face challenges in daily life if I’m not proficient in Japanese? Surely I’ll attend a language preparation course, but upon arriving the country as a foreigner who only speak English, will I have trouble getting along?
4. I’m open to any other options regarding my future goals.

Some may wonder why I’m not just going to an EU university already. But given my financial situation, attending Japanese colleges with a scholarship is my only viable option.

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice!

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