Your Experiences with Tokyo Language Schools + A few questions

Hello all I hope you are all doing well!

I was wondering what experiences people have had with different language schools in Tokyo and which they would recommend, I am trying to find a language school and to start in the October term with the plans of working in Japan after I have graduated from language school.

Also how common is it for Language Schools to do things such a clubs and what not as I enjoy doing sport and such in my free time so I was wondering if that was something Language Schools do or is it something you have to find outside of School, I tried asking GoGoNihon about this but every email I sent about it just seemed to be ignored.

And finally what amount roughly do people need to have money wise to show in order to be granted a 2 year VISA I have been told various different amount so I am not quite sure how much I should have ready as evidence of having enough funds.

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