Classified Japanese diplomatic info leaked after Chinese cyberattacks

Classified Japanese diplomatic info leaked after Chinese cyberattacks

  1. “Japan has lagged behind other developed countries in the development of its cybersecurity defenses”

    America has been telling the Japanese government about it’s poor cybersecurity for how long now?

    Someone probably walked right in and faxed it to China.

    “But bills to implement a more active approach to cyber defense have not been submitted to parliament as discussions on the issue have stalled, with fears lingering that such a move could violate the nation’s Constitutional guarantee on the secrecy of communications.”

    I’m sorry but this makes no sense. “We’re not going to actively secure something because it would violate secrecy of communications.” —

    My brain cannot process this.

  2. Japan is leagues behind the rest of the developed world in their cybersecurity capacity. The nations largest saving grace has been the language barrier and relative obscurity of the Japanese market. 

    Yet as the rest of the worlds cybersecurity posture gets better, Japan becomes an ever more appealing target. Coupled with the nations stance on China, expect more and more serious breaches in the future.

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