Are planes actually colliding more these days or is it just being reported more often?

A couple days ago there was the news of ANA planes colliding at ITM airport. A few days before that it was Korean Air and some other plane in Hokkaido I think?

It’s been making the news a lot lately and I’m just wondering if this year it’s actually happening more or it’s simply being reported more due to the Jan 1 collision incident.

  1. Well, [here’s the table]( of airplane accidents published by the Japan Transport Safety Board (with the JAL incident being the most recent). The number may vary depending on what source you use, but the total yearly number of such accidents reported by the JSTB in the 21st century is well below that reported in the 20th century. For large aircraft, 2012 and 2022 were relatively bad years, but there doesn’t seem to be a trend toward higher numbers.

  2. Less often but the news is hyper focused on airplane safety now so every little issue gets attention.

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