What should I look into taking during college to help me teach in JP in the long term?

sorry for the throwaway, i have a few family members who also use reddit and i don’t want them to know about my goals because they would try and make it impossible for me to achieve them.

i’m a 30 year old woman who is finally getting her life together after 12 years of dealing with extreme depression and a financially/mentally abusive family. teaching in Japan has been my dream since I was 16, and despite reading all the horror stories from this sub, it’s still something i would very desperately like to do. i have finally enrolled in college after getting my GED this past may, and i’d like to take extra courses that will help me out in the long run.

i’m going for an education degree, specifically for middle-level students w/ an english and social studies focus; i’ve been working as a substitute for the past two years, and i’ve always had so much fun with the middle school crowd, so i figure if JP doesn’t work out, my degree will allow me to bounce back in the US. my college also offers JP as a language course, which I will be taking on top of the self study i do at home. but i am curious to know if there are other courses i should suggest to my advisor next week during my meeting with them that i’d like to take.

while i’d like most of them to be something that helps me stand out when i apply for dispatch companies, i’d also like to take a few that allow me to get a more educational look at things like the cultures and religions of Japan; while i like to think of myself as informed, there’s only so much that i can look for online and even less that will stick with me in 4 years time.

apologies for this long, rambly post. i just realized that outside of taking JP as a language, i had no real idea of any extra classes to take to help me in the future. thank you for taking the time to read this, and any answers you might have!

by teachjpthrowaway

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