Recommendation for immigration attorney/lawyer for PR application

Looking for headache free immigration attorney to help with PR application (spouse of Japanese national) within Tokyo 23区, any recommendations?

  1. You don’t need a lawyer unless you have some weird stuff going on. All the paperwork is extremely simple, you don’t even need to ask your spouse to help filling it out.

    Source: know several people who aren’t even N5 who applied by themselves and had no problems.

  2. Ok, so I just got my PR as a spouse of Japanese national .. waited about 4 and half months between submitting the paperwork and getting the notification.

    We did the paperwork ourselves and it’s not to difficult BUT time versus convenience.
    Wife and I are both working and having a little one at daycare … for us taking tome to head to kuyakusho for all the related paperwork, calling pension office (lost online login) and visiting tax office plus the always arduous trip to the immigration office you have to ask yourself is it worth your time of spend the money and not having to deal with it.
    If I knew I would have just paid the money and get it done.
    But it’s certainly doable by yourself.

    Please keep in mind that nowadays you’ll need to show proof of payment to pension fund (overview of x ammount of months paid – doesn’t show money ammount). Besides your local kuyakusho tax papers you need additional proof from the city tax office showing no open national taxes such as inheritance tax , donations etc etc.

    If you have any questions let me know , we just off out of this rollercoaster ride and kept copies of everything so we know what to submit

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