Digestive differences in Japan?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but wanted to see if anyone has any insight.

My GF and I are Canadian, and have been to Japan numerous times. I’ve noticed that whenever we go to Japan – even though we take full advantage of its culinary delights – I never really feel super full. I’m also less gassy/bloated, and I notice that my poops are quite tiny.

Compare this to when we’re back home in Canada. After eating (probably specific types of food), I sometimes feel bloated and super gassy. Plus my poops are much bigger! Also, my GF seems to be able to drink caffeine okay in Japan, but back home it gives her acid reflex; and other foods negatively affect her digestive system to the point that for the longest time she thought she was celiac (it was also a misdiagnoses by a doctor). But no issues whatsoever in Japan.

Has anyone else experienced this in their travels? Anyone have any hypotheses as to what may be causing these digestive differences? The water? Less processed food in Japan? Better quality of ingredients? Less use of chemicals and pesticides? Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this.

by foetus_on_my_breath

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