Curry set meal for 250 Yen is served at every Thursday at company cafeteria

Curry set meal for 250 Yen is served at every Thursday at company cafeteria

  1. I can’t help but think they are selling this at a loss but it’s just part of employee compensation to offer the meal on the cheap. There’s no way they are cutting even on that.

  2. Ohhh that looks so delicious. Around here a small bento box alone is like $12 🙁

  3. What’s the stuff under the korokke? Seems like shredded cabbage and pickles of some kind…?

  4. If they served food of this quality at my cafeteria I would die a happy human.

  5. The cafeteria at school is half off until Augusti, so I’m all kinds of ramen, katsus and curries for line 150-200 yen. Pretty dope.

  6. That looks amazing! I’d just be happy if my company even had a cafeteria. I have to find lunch in downtown Chicago. I saved so much money, just because I was working from home, and not spending 10$ a day, just for lunch.

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