Why so many Chinese/ Vietnamese in Osaka?

I’m visiting Osaka for the first time in ten years, and it seems that quite a few of the locals are of Chinese or Vietnamese descent. Were they always here and I just didn’t realize it last time I was here? What has brought these folks to the area? Genuinely curious.

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Osaka.

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  2. Big city = schools, jobs, fellow countrymen. People move where they find the best opportunities.

  3. There’s always been a large Chinese and Korean presence in Osaka, even before the war. It’s why in the old days the 道徳教育 (moral education) in Osaka focused so much on racism, there were a lot of half Korean and Chinese kids running around.

    The Vietnamese are somewhat new comers, but a lot have been coming over under the 技能実習制度 (technical trainee program). Big cities just tend to attract more people, including immigrants.

  4. More Vietnamese these days in my area too. I’m an hour west of Tokyo and see them riding their bikes everyday. We now have 3 small grocery stores which I like for produce and instant pho. I mostly see them at local language classes though.

  5. Osaka is a better place to live for most other Asians than Tokyo I suppose?

    The cost of living is cheaper, people are more friendly, and it’s more chaotic and slummy in some ways than the rest of Japan, and those leopard wearing Osaka obachans probably make them feel at home…

  6. Osaka is a very old city. Even 400 years ago it was bigger than London. Despite its history of isolationism, Japan was considered an untapped jewel of commerce by the west and a highly profitable venture for more local traders. The Western ports of Nagasaki and Hiroshima didn’t have the wealth and relative access to Edo / Tokyo, and the echelons surrounding the Shogunate.

    Today, given Japans need for immigrant labor, the (poorly executes) industrial internships and the post COVID shift in logistics away from China (which has closed its borders for 2 and a half years). It shouldn’t be that surprising that workers from less developed countries seek greener pastures in one of the original G7 countries. Japanese companies and industrial foundations have poured huge amounts of money into both China and Vietnam in the last 40 years. Osaka offers the logical choice for less qualified or social mobile people looking a place to settle outside of the financial and professionally elite conurbation of Tokyo.

  7. So many Chinese and Vietnamese here in Chiba. It is because there is a language school nearby. Most of them are in student visa or working visa.

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