ETFs via Rakuten NISA

I opened a NISA account via Rakuten after reading through this lovely sub and RetireJapan, and was met with one of the most unfriendly UIs I’ve ever seen in my life.

Money has been transferred but isn’t doing anything so I assume it is waiting for me (I’ve only used THEO until now, not used to being involved).

If there is a “using rakuten’s NISA page for idiots” page or something out there, I’d appreciate it.

by mugcupcinnamonroll

  1. Are you sure that you want to purchase ETFs in your Rakuten NISA account and not an internally re-investing Japanese mutual fund instead?

    As for your actual answer, I think there’s a radio button when you make a purchase of any asset that you want. That radio button determines what account your asset purchase goes to.

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