Luggage forwarding

Travelling to Tokyo and Osaka, Is it alright to forward luggage to different parts of Tokyo as we’re exclusively staying in AirBnB’s. Once we arrive back in Tokyo it would be a pain to drag luggage from the airport to place 1 hour away by train especially mid day. How much would it cost to forward luggage from Haneda Airport to Katsushika?

Should I also forward our luggage from Tokyo to Osaka? Roughly how much would this cost?

I’m currently booking flights from Tokyo to Osaka, we were planning to go on the bullet train but flights were half the cost on ANA. Is it better to book directly through ANA or through an English 3rd part booking sight? + what’s the difference between all the fares on ANA ?
More specifically the difference between Super Value 75 compared to the others.

How much luggage are you allowed on ANA?

by Mikaella1003

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