Future Employment in the Field of Chemistry as a German expat in Japan / General Career Path Advice?

I am a 16 year old student attending 10th grade at a Gymnasium near Munich currently trying my best to piece together an optimal career path for the future. I wanted to ask for any Advice or Resources here, I really couldn’t find a lot on my personal situation as it is quite an obscure road, so if you have ANY resources / contacts / advice that could help me out please share.

My current plan is getting my Chemistry Bachelor/Masters degree after finishing school here in Germany (as it is way cheaper and seemingly less competitive, correct me if I’m wrong)and moving to Japan afterwards (might try to gain experience working here beforehand)where I’d specifically be interested in Nuclear/Radiochemistry e.g working/handling/experimenting with radioactive compounds in the Nuclear Energy Sector and perhaps helping out with foreign cooperation, or Astrochemistry at a Space Agency . (other departments aren’t out of the question)

A couple of questions I’m trying to find an answer to:- Would such a niche profession be realistic / in demand / even available to a foreigner?- Would it pay well compared to other Branches of Chemistry?- Would a PhD be worth the time and effort spent getting them (or other degrees in general)?- Are German degrees Valued/Seen differently in Japan?- Are there any alternative options/roads (possibly not as time intensive) to attending University while still getting a well paying Job in Japan?- Should I not worry too much?- How important is Networking and when/where/how to begin?- Are the working hours reasonable? (risk of black companies / general working culture, is that exaggerated or only common in other professions?)
\-Does a Universities prestige matter a lot if you graduated outside of Japan?

I don’t think I would have any massive constraints in terms of Language as I am aiming for at least N2 and conversational Fluency (currently know \~1000 Kanji after 5 months of WaniKani but not studying grammar a lot), which I’ve got enough time for until actually getting my degree. Otherwise I’m fluent at both German and English (albeit lacking proper writing skills, apologies if I am a little incoherent)

I am pursuing Chemistry mainly due to it paying relatively well, while being a large interest of mine and also just as a personal challenge for myself (Brain/Sanity) . If any of you can recommend / know more suitable careers with better opportunities I’d be glad to hear them. (Other interests would be: Geography, Statistics, Economics, \[obviously\] Language, Computers/Linux \[not programming\], Fitness/Nutrition, Games and Music).

Not opposed to completely different suggestions, as long as they would offer a comfortable (at least financially) and fulfilling life in Japan. If there are any further questions on my situation/goals/any misunderstandings feel free to ask!

by japchem1

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