Questions about HSP, PR, and EOR

Helloooo! Sorry if this looks familiar, posted on a different sub and realized this may be the more applicable one. I have some questions relating to the HSP visa and how PR works if employed under an EOR.

Some background: my partner received a postdoc offer to a Japanese university which would start this summer. We haven’t decided on whether he should take it or not due to some unknowns on my end career-wise. Neither of us are Japanese. I currently work a full-time job and would like to continue with it in Japan. I’ve read up on EORs and talked with my employer about them, so I have a basic idea of how they work and we’re in talks of how to get this set up, but there are obviously still some fuzzy areas. Onto the questions:


1. For anyone who’s worked through an EOR in Japan, will they sponsor an HSP?
2. If you achieve PR status through the HSP, would you still need an EOR for your overseas employer?
3. With the announcement of the digital nomad visa: “The visa cannot be renewed and must be reapplied for, with this only possible six months after leaving the country.” <- Does this sentence mean that I just cannot reapply for another digital nomad visa but can apply for another visa (say, HSP), or that I can’t apply for any visa in Japan altogether until after the 6 month cool down period? (source [](

Sorry if some of these are silly or have been asked before, I’m really just trying to cover all of my bases before we make this very big decision and there’s just a lot that I don’t know. I am aware that EORs don’t sponsor you to come over to Japan, only once you’re in country, but that’s a separate set of issues for us. I’d appreciate any and all insight to any of these questions.

Thanks in advance 🙂

by moooooo06

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