Questions on booking tickets for Activities and Shinkansen

Hi all,

I will be visiting Japan next month with friends (first time trip) and just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

The main thing on my mind is booking tickets for some key activities. Apologies, if these questions are commonly asked.

1. Ghibli Museum – these go on sale at 10am on the 10th the month prior to admission. The date we lined up was either Sat or Sunday.
2. Sumo – this also goes on sale at 10am on the 10th the month prior to admission.

Question- how brutal is getting tickets for these 2 events? Is it a case of “gone within minutes” or would it be possible to still scoop up tickets an hour after they go on sale?

3. Shinkansen tickets – for a lot of trains I’ve gathered it’s simply a case of scanning a suica (I think) and scanning out at the exit station? But for the Shinkansen is it better to book these in advance? Or could you do them a day or 2 in advance?

by Juggy2111

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