Speaking troubles

I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me at getting better at speaking as it’s not getting any easier. I know the replies will just be speak more often, but I need a way to trick my mind or something. Recently I got a tutor on italki and shes great. She’s patient and helps correct my mistakes. Trouble is that I’m simply just not improving. Not even in the slightest. I also have a Japanese lady I talk to once a week for an hour as well. It’s both English and Japanese we speak, but again, I’m not finding myself improving even a little bit.

When it comes to reading and writing I am around n4-n3 level. But my speaking is not even a comfortable n5 level. Closer to lower end of n5. I find that when I talk it takes me a loooong time to even just think of the sentence I want to say, and it’s usually the most basic sentences such as I like x, I do X or tomorrow I will go there. Despite that, I can read and write considerably more complex sentences and at much faster speeds. When I write things I also speak it aloud. I have no problem with this. I can read sentences out loud no problem. It’s the thinking the sentences part.

I’m on the border of wanting to give up because my motivation is being crushed daily.

by Link2212

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