Filipino Student Being Encouraged to Study in Japan

Hi! So I’m a 12th Grade Student about to Graduate in May this year, I’m from the Philippines, and my parents are pressuring me to get my college plans on track and am encouraging me to go to Japan (encouraging is a nicer word than what they’re actually doing).

So for some background, I’m aware that many people discourage international students to study in Japan, and I have some reservations as well especially since I’d have to learn a new language, and it’s a new country w/a different culture. However, the reason why my parents are encouraging me is because my aunt is there, living near Tokyo, and has been promoting the idea to my parents + the education system is better. And although it might sound like I’m not interested, I actually real am and want to study abroad, however, my main concern is the obstacles (language, money, etc.). Not to mention the fact that I’m absolutely clueless as to where to start. Originally, we planned on pursuing Australia, as my uncle is there, however, it is far too expensive for us to afford. Japan on the other hand, although expensive, is more manageable, and my aunt has also told me she can help me get part-time jobs as her life is pretty stable there.

As for what I’m gonna study, I’m really interested in Environmental Studies, ranging from geology, envi-sci, environmental law, I might even consider environmental engineering but that’s at the bottom of my list as being an engineer doesn’t really appeal to me the same way being an environmentalist does.

I guess all I’m asking is where do I start? And how would the process look like? I know it won’t be easy, but I’m willing to put in the effort, and am willing to dedicate time as well to work on my language skills and the requirements. I also have a good academic background and ECs if that’s something Japanese Unis like. Also, are there any schools you could suggest that would be ideal for my field of interest? Preferably near Tokyo as that’s where my family is.

I appreciate any help you guys can give! If you have questions, I’ll answer them too. Thank you in advance!!!


by meoweth_cat

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