Commercial rental

Sorry if this isn’t the right place for this.

How are people finding commercial rental properties?

I’m looking for a warehouse for around 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 yen monthly rent in Yokohama. This is for an established company in business for 15 years.

I search using websites like AtHome. I find places I like and we contact the realtor. They tell us no because (insert reason here). I have heard that –

-The property is already taken
-You can’t do that kind of business there
-The landlord doesn’t allow new construction
-The landlord won’t rent to a foreigner

Each time we request them to notify us of any listings that fit our needs. Either they say they have nothing coming up, or they say okay and then never contact us.

Here’s the thing- I have seen a tonne of new businesses open up in the plots that I wanted. These plots were never listed on websites. In many cases, the new business is under construction as soon as the old business is torn down.

Is there a secret database of what’s coming up the pipeline that I can access? Or is this only for the giant companies like Lawson, Starbucks, and Saizeria. Is there a shortcut to finding a realtor that has the time of day for us?

Is there a way to contact the land owner if we find an empty warehouse that’s been empty for a while? A realtor poo-pooed the idea to us as troublesome and expensive. He said it’s about 100,000 yen to look it up regardless if the seller wants to rent.

We are contacting the realtors with a naitive Japanese speaker, but they aren’t experienced in real estate so I’m not sure if this is an “us” problem.

by Infinite-Interest680

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