21yr old moving to study

I’m currently in between going back to Korea or Japan to finish my degree and am going back and forth with the pros and cons. I’ve been searching on GaijinPot Apartments to compare prices between the two and that’s kind of where my questions arose. I’ve seen multiple posters mention it but what were your general experiences with it? My maximum budget per month would be around 160,000yen, but I know I would most likely have to sign contracts for water/electric/internet/etc. Is this difficult to do and how expensive does it tend to be? As a 21 year old, I don’t have much experience doing that in the US and when I lived in Korea, I didn’t really have to do it either. Has anyone had experiences breaking a lease/landlord breaking a lease and are there protections for foreigners in those situations (I’m assuming not). I have seen places that offer English services and/or cater to foreigners and perhaps that may be the route to go. I’ve also seen people mention share houses which I wouldn’t be opposed to but I’m also likely staying for 2-3 years so I’m not opposed to searching for an apartment and a lease. Any advice would be helpful in making this decision. I know the protocol in Korea is to rent a room, generally, and go through a real estate agent. Should this also be the procedure in Japan? Also, please any advice from those who have moved to Japan around the age of 20-25 and what to expect.

by Massive_Bother7363

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