Working Holiday visa: enrolling with government while travelling

I’m going to Japan on a Working Holiday visa in March. Can anyone advise on the rules for enrolling with the government? AFAIK, it must be done within 14 days of moving into accommodation.

My plan:
– arrive in Japan, stay with a friend for 2 weeks, then go abroad for 2 weeks
– return to Japan, stay in a sharehouse for 4-6 weeks- go abroad again for a few weeks
– return and travel around Japan, travelling and staying at hotels
– the rest alternating between staying somewhere for weeks and nomadding

Has anyone done an itinerary like this? If so, how did you manage enrolling with the government as you moved around?

When should I should I enrol?

What do I do when I move out of the sharehouse?

PS: All the travels abroad are for weddings. Lots this year. Not ideal for the precious time in Japan but they’re as once-in-a-lifetime as the WH.

by ad5tastic

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