7 day itinerary check – Tokyo/Kyoto/Kinosaki

Hey All,


Want to gauge opinions on an upcoming trip. We are pretty flexible in terms of what happens within the 7 days. Happy to hear suggestions. We want a nice mix of things. Here’s what I’m thinking…



\-We are not big on “touristy” stuff. Hence why we opted for Nishimuraya Honkan and Kinosaki over a place like Hakone. From what I’ve gathered, this seems to be one of the best Ryoakns. I think a great Ryokan witth kaiseki would be high on the list. Seems like a good balance of something authentic and uniquely Japanese, and also Romantic and intimate enough. Also a nice way to slow down during this very short and fast paced trip. I love everything about the pictures I’ve seen of this place. A lot of other places we looked at just seemed like multi-story hotel buildings with tatami floors. We don’t want that.


We have 7 days. This is my 3rd time in Japan (last time I was there was 10 years ago). This is my wife’s 1st time in Japan. This is part of our honeymoon trip. I know we will be back to Japan. (However, I’ve been saying that for 10 years, and now this is the best I can do.) Previously, I spent 6 months in Japan WWOOFing and working on farms. (2 separate 3 month long trips.) This is the kind of stuff I connect more with. During those trips, I only spent maybe 4 days in Tokyo upon arrival and departure of Japan, That was ok with me.

I’ve heard a lot of people on here say that “going to Japan and only staying in Tokyo is like going to the USA and only staying in NYC”. I really wouldn’t feel happy with myself having just stayed in Tokyo that whole time. I know Kyoto deserves more time. My thought is that next time, we will take a more dedicated trip to Kyoto. Kyoto is just kind of there because we have to stop there anyways to get to Kinosaki, so why not?


Day 1:

Arrive NRT 4:30pm

Stay near Ginza


Day 2:

Explore Tokyo


Day 3:

Tokyo then Depart for Kyoto

\-Oedo Antique Market

Take shinkansen to Kyoto

\-Visit Ryouen

\-stay in Kyoto


Day 4:

Kyoto then depart for Kinosaki

Take train to Kinosaki

Spend night in Kinosaki hotel



Day 5:


transfer to Nishimuraya Honkan w/ Kaiseki



Day 6:

Depart Kinosaki for Tokyo

Leave for Tokyo

Stay in Tokyo


Day 7:

Leave Japan



by Crash607

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