Where can I read manga in Japanese?

Hiya, what are some good websites I can read manga in Japanese? Or any (UK) online stores I can order from? I would like to start reading every day to help my studies, but can’t seem to find good resources. Also let me know if you have any manga recommendations, I would really appreciate your help!! Thank you!

  1. I use mangareader.to, not everything is available in japanese, but still useful.

    Also if you’re an android user (idk if it’s available on other platforms), you can download “Tachiyomi” app. It’s has plugins (which are actually manga sites) divided in groups by languages. I don’t know any further details about how it works, but just for reading it’s quite convinient

  2. If you want to read legaly ebookjapan.jp accepts payments with European cards just fine last time I tried.

    If not usually searching for something like “[name of manga in japanese] raw” does the trick.

  3. I bought the first volumes of Death Note and Evangelion in Japanese, right from US Amazon with Prime delivery. Both of them have furigana for all kanji… is this normal or did I super luck out?

  4. Mangakakalot.to has English and Japanese scans up on their site. Also, searching for manga RAWs usually turns up the direct scanned/ untranslated copies of manga but the quality can be a little rough.

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