35 years old moving to Tokyo to study and work – Not an IT

I have tried looking for post that could give me more of an insight in this aspect but I coudnt find any, sorry for the long post.

Basically, I have been studying japanese while working in my home country, doing an online course from TCJ 3 hours a day, 5 days a week in order to reach N2 in year and a half.

I am interested to move to Japan and to get a job in my sector (International trade / import / export), I have almost 9 years of work experience and a bachelors in international relations.

Before you tell me its going to be hard, I know pretty well this is going to be an uphill battle and I willing to do it, I prefer doing it that never have done it and repent the rest of my life.

I have been considering the idea to study in a senmon gakkou, but I think it wont help me much due to my experience, age and degree.

In your opinion, which would be the more advisable way to secure a job, a Master Degree or to study in a language school a “business course” (Like ISI’s course Career Japanese) to reach N1?


by Tokyo_Gaijin

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