G1 Climax 32 Entrants Announced

G1 Climax 32 Entrants Announced

  1. Isn’t it weird that they didn’t announce who’s going to be in which block ? Are we going to have more participants added at Forbidden Door or am i reading too much into it ?

  2. If Gedo doesn’t give us Tom Lawlor vs Yano I’m going to implode

    The moneys on the table!

  3. Eeeeee I think they kinda needlessly padded this in some spaces.

    I think Fale and Finlay being in there isnt bad, Fale is a big crowd attraction and people love see him be slammed and he is a long tenured veteran.

    Finlay I think is fine, he is being rewarded for remaining loyal despite saying he will leave, would he be my pick? No, but I understand why he is picked, NJPW rewards loyalty.

    I am happy as hell to see ELP take his first step into being a heavyweight, that said I would have made the following replacements

    Yujiro > Desperado

    Chase > Karl Fredericks (Chase is in because he has been loyal but does anyone in the world actually like him?)

    Yoshi hashi > Karl Anderson or Fred Rosser

    I do like that theyre experimenting and taking chances with the g1 and also this format does allow more guys to be showcased, but their choices, aside from Lawlor, Henare and Jonah, dont really help showcase much, I feel a lot of matchups will be sleeper as fk.

    Also Archer is the perfect pick, he isnt doing much on AEW and he is belowed in Japan (did u hear the pop in the crowd when he was announced?)

    With that said, some matchups Im hoping for with this setup:

    GOK (all hail) vs Lawlor – okhan shines in more technical matches (his match vs ibushi is my moty last year)

    Ospreay vs Jay – honestly any match with Jay will be entertaining but Jay vs Ospreay just sounds right in my brain

    KENTA vs Tama Tonga – kenta is the last one remaining to betray Tama, and it will be interesting to watch.

    Henare vs FALE – call me fucking nuts but the all NZed matchup has me excited, I want to see Henare slam his ass and pick up a big pin as a big step up in his career.

    To not drag this on more, here are some guest entries that I wanted but I get why theyre not in:

    Malakai Black, Jonathan Gresham, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Bandido, Kyle o Reily, Keith Lee

    Silver lining: Seeing strong guys outside of that taping and 1h a week misery (I dont like strong).

  4. Glad Lance Archer made it, was hoping for Bryan Danielson, Moxley and maybe Adam Page, or atleast 2 top AEW guys

  5. Felt a wave of emotion during that announcement. First, I got excited when I saw that they had expanded to 28 wrestlers. Then, I was disappointed that no true big name from AEW or Impact is in the tournament. Finally, I felt dismayed that there will be four 7-men blocks.

    I live a 25 min walk from the arena in Hokkaido where the first two nights will be held. I’ll wait until the match cards are out to get my tickets.

  6. There is no surprise that AEW sent only Archer to G1. But still, AEW, having a lot of talents, who actually haven’t got plenty TV time and don’t suggest NJ to use them looks weird.

    Wanted to see Lawlor in Japanese tour, I think it will be great.

  7. Some very nice ones( Lawler, Archer, Jonah) and some disgusting ones(Yujiro, Fale, Owens).

    Also a random ELP promotion works for me I suppose

  8. Not an interesting lineup at all. Happy for Finlay, but that’s pretty much it.

  9. I’m excited to see Henare in it this year, I’ve got a real soft spot for the guys that were young lions when I first started watching. I don’t expect anything huge since it’s his first time but I hope he has a good showing.

  10. To provide some needed positivity: I’m glad Yujiro is in. I’ve enjoyed him the past few years, think he’s put on some good performances, and he adds a bit of a spoiler/unpredictability factor.

    Also, he (and Yano, and Fale, who I also enjoy) help provide their block with that rest night that’s important

    Also have had a weird like for Henare for years, so seeing him get some spotlight makes me happy.

    Not sure how I feel about the larger field/4 block set-up, but in terms of the names involved I have little-to-no issues.

  11. I popped when they announced KENTA so glad he will be back, he’s one of my favs and I’ve really missed watching him

  12. Ridiculous that Yujiro and his mediocre skillset are brought back to water down the field. I saw this guy botch a friggin sidewalk slam last year. He can’t even get over despite having a half naked model dance next to him. Bad call

    Happy for El Phantasmo, Henare and Filthy Tom, though. Compared to last year it’s a better overall field, despite moronic inclusions as noted above. Still looking forward to it, but man, gedo/booking needs to get their act together when making these brackets.

  13. I have mixed feelings. I love seeing some guys get this first show like Lawlor. But I dunno, I think 20 guys is perfect. I feel like it wasn’t broke so why fix it? But, definitely hyped for G1 and will watch every damn match.

  14. So this 100% means Lawlor is losing the belt before the G1 right? No way they are going to use the G1 as a measuring stick for where the Strong Openweight champion stands amongst the rest or the roster.

  15. Doesn’t really mean much, but now with only 6 wins needed, I definitely feel like they’ll book someone to have a perfect record in the blocks

  16. I assume that the switch to 4 7-man blocks was at least in part to make the schedule a bit less exhausting on the guys involved now that they’ll have 2-3 less tournament matches, depending on how far they get. For me, that’s reason enough to be optimistic about this.

    When even Jon Moxley, fearless as he is, mentioned initially being reluctant when the office brought up the possibility of him doing the G1 in 2019, that really tells you something.

  17. When I saw 28, I was so afraid we were going to get the G1 return of Gallows. Anderson I could have accepted, but God, I hated Gallows in the 2015 G1 so, so much. While other people were upset about seeing Fale, Yujiro, etc, and not seeing Danielson or whoever else, I was just sighing in relief at NOT seeing Gallows’ name come up.

  18. The fact that Tanahashi has been in twenty-one of these tournaments is fucking nuts, what a legend.

  19. If Okada wins this back to back, I am sure this reddit section gonna explode more than Hiromu’s BOSJ win. lol.

    Since, Jay is probably going to take the title to the next WK, they are going need a Japanese star to the main event of WK, I am betting on Naito to win it this time. I prefer Shingo, but he has KOPW trophy, anyone holding trophy or title belt, basically has close to 0% chance to win it.

  20. Was hoping for Danielson and Alexander personally, but to be fair, there’s only so many big names you can have that you can treat well in regards to wins and losses.

    Yujiro, Chase, Fale, I’d have taken them out and have had Fredericks, Coughlin and Rosser there, would easily improve the tournament, plus when it comes to Fredericks and Coughlin, it would be giving the first big exposure as senior members of the roster in Japan.

  21. On the bright side, 4 blocks and 28 entrants means we probably aren’t going to have preview tags for the block that is “off” that evening.

    I’ll take nothing but G1 matches again. A filler G1 match is still better than a filler preview tag.

  22. Holding out hope they swerve us at Forbidden Door and announce 4 more entrants. 32 total for G1 Climax 32, and we get 8 man blocks because 7 man blocks are awkward.


    I’m probably a fool though.

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