Takeo Onsen, Team Lab Mifuneyama Rakuen Onsen — Beginner friendly?

Hey everyone!
Currently trying to figure out my itinerary for early March.
I am currently trying to decide whether I want to spend 3 days in Nagasaki, or to stop at Takeo Onsen on my way there and spend a day there.

The team lab art exhibition and the park in general looks very lovely, but now I’m also curious about the Mifuneyama Rakuen Onsen, as you can buy tickets for both the Team Labs art pieces and the Onsen in one go, and it feels like good value to me.

However, I’ve never been to an Onsen. I was planning to go to Spa World in Osaka at a later point in my trip, as I was told it was v foreigner friendly with like, instructions in English. I will be going and travelling alone, so I won’t even be able to draw courage from a group :’)

Has anyone been there? Does the staff (?) speak English? Will I manage without making a big dumb dumb out of me? And, if you’ve been; Has it been worth it? 🙂

by ScaffoldingGiraffe

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