Ski instructing in japan

Recently skiied in Japan and absolutely fell in love with it to the point that I would like to ski instruct either for the 24/25 winter or 25/26 winter however the stars may align.

For background approximately 8 years ago I was a ski instructor for 2 consecutive winters in the US, I began to pursuit my PSIA level 1 however life then happened and I went off to college. Additionally I have been coaching hockey for the last 4 years and have multiple certifications teach children/sports development.

I guess my question is what is the best path to pursuiting ski instructing in Japan. I found EA sports and ski but you need to pay them for the internship when I have most of the training minus the certification itself. Does PSIA translate to Japanese ski instructing? Hopefully someone on here can put me in contact with the right person that’s went through this before. If you have any questions for me please fire away.

by C-tb19

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