American confused on Japanese season dates – setsubun vs vernal equinox

Sorry for this geeky scientific question but I think this is one of those East vs West things that both sides will never agree on. My kid came home from school Friday and told me Saturday is the first day of Spring. As an American, this threw me off and thought his teacher was not teaching him the right science. Then I find out it’s Setsubun which in East Asian calendars represent the start of Spring. Japanese wife scolded me for challenging this, I look up the American Farmers Almanac and sure enough it clearly states the start of Spring is the Vernal equinox which is mid March. So, scientifically, which one is more factual? I guess this is similar to Chinese vs Western New Year. But then again Japan celebrates New Year on Jan 1. And today was the 1st snow in Tokyo which makes me feel we are in the heart of winter. Utterly confused gaijin here.

by 2PlanetsAway

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