How to beat the Impossible Game in Fuji-Q?

In Fuji-Q Highliand, there is an amusement called Impossible Games. You or your group is tasked to do a couple of puzzle games and earn enough points to proceed to the next level. If you don’t meet the required points, you are pointed towards the exit. The only puzzle my friend and I really had trouble with was the one where you are given a picture of an object and/or animal, under the picture is a number. They ask you to decipher it by looking for other pictures spread around the building, but we had no clue what to do or how to decipher it. If anyone in this community has ever been to Fuji-Q Highland and has beaten the puzzle I’m talking about, please explain how to beat it? I tried looking up online but can’t seem to find any info

by dcgema894

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