What is your favorite season to visit Japan?

Japan has plenty to offer regardless of the season. One can enjoy winter festivals and skiing, ume and cherry blossom springs, summers full of major traditional festivals, and autumns watching fireworks and catching the seas of orange and red foliage.

**What seasons have you visited during? Which has been your favorite? Why?**

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  1. Out of the two seasons I visited so far (summer and early spring), spring was the best for sure. Pleasant weather for traveling and nice blossoming trees. I was a bit too early for sakura, but I’m hoping that I can visit for Sakura season next time. While I definitely enjoyed my first vacation to Japan which was in summer, weather-wise it was miserable. Way too hot and humid for me.

  2. I’ve taken trips in April, October and February. April and October seemed to be very similar in terms of the weather, both times is was super nice, October was a bit hotter from what I remember. February was cold but nothing too bad, but definitely preferred weather in the spring or fall.

  3. I’ve been during July and October so far and October was easily better. Wasn’t nearly as hot and humid. Although I unfortunately caught the tail end of typhoon season last time I was there in October. I’ll be shooting for mid November next time, no typhoons and no sweltering heat.

  4. i’m biased because there’s only 1 time of year i’ve been there (both my trips were around the same time) but i LOVE late april / early may where you can catch the tail end of cherry blossom season in northern honshu but the weather is starting to warm and you catch golden week.

    at some point after all the restrictions go away and the country truly opens back up i do really want to make it over for the fall though (like a september/october trip)

    i was supposed to be there for the 2020 olympics, which obviously didn’t happen, but i always hear horror stories about how hot it gets there in july/august.

    ultimately, i want to not have to worry about bringing a jacket, and be comfortable in a t-shirt.

  5. The shoulder seasons, spring and the fall. Better weather, smaller crowds and cheaper too. March, April, October and November are good months to visit.

  6. Spring and Autumn.
    Winter is nice if you’re at a hotel and not someone’s home.

    Summer if you like becoming liquid or getting battered by a typhoon (although I liked walking outside in a few of them)

  7. I’m going to make the case for a snowless city in winter. A small caveat, I’ve only visited during winter so I can’t say it’s my favorite without experiencing another season, but I can say all the things I loved about it.

    Tokyo in the winter was great, albeit a bit wet. Of the nine days we spent in Tokyo it rained at some point on five of the days, luckily never very long. Coming from a rather warm climate, it was nice to feel the cool crisp air while walking the streets, and visiting parks, temples, and shrines. Knowing that we could step into just about any building to get away from the cold was also nice. There were two small festivals we went to, and watching the steaming hot food being prepared really works up the appetite. Sitting in the park, sometimes on some very cold stone, while eating piping hot noodles or buns was such an aesthetic experience. Sometimes we fell victim to the easily acquired (and delicious) chicken from the many convenience stores lining the streets. Stopping in for a hot drink or snack made even the coldest rainy days bearable. Luckily most of the sunny days were when we were in the parks, so when we escaped the shade of the skyscrapers, we were greeted with the warm sun on our faces. Hot tea served at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden warmed my heart. Smelling the baked sweet potatoes when we walked by a Don Quijote was enticing. Many maples still had beautiful red leaves despite the fact that it was December. Since Christmas does not cause a near-total shutdown like in the west, we were able to spend time out and about with no impact due to the holiday. I felt like the city was pretty quiet during our time there too. We all hear about the beautiful flowers during spring, the fall colors in autumn, snow-covered mountains in winter, or sandy beaches in summer, but a cold wet Tokyo has a charm all its own too.

  8. The fall season lasts 4 months, that one is best if you can chase it. You can outrun the season change on a bicycle.

  9. Visited late August and mid-October.

    October was lovely. August didn’t feel as unbearable as this subreddit makes it out to be, but it’s definitely a challenge if you’re not used to hot and humid weather.

  10. I’ve been in June/July and September/October. I absolutely love the rainy June season and getting stuck in downpours! It is also when the hydrangea are all blooming, so it’s by far my favorite 🙂 September was still a bit too warm for my liking.

  11. Autumn is definitely my favourite time to visit. Because it’s my favourite time of the year in general

  12. Tokyo – Winter – Way more comfortable to walk around in, most things I did in Tokyo was indoor anyways, so it didn’t really matter if it was getting dark earlier.

    Kansai – Autumn – The temples and red foliage goes super nice together, also doesn’t get dark as early as Winter.

    Kyushu- Autumn or Winter – More pleasant to hike or do outdoor activities in. Cool enough to actually enjoy the hot springs.

    Okinawa – Summer – I drove everywhere except in Naha, so the heat was not bad? Also the water looks so much clearer in the summer sun.

  13. If you can time it perfectly, it’s hard to beat peak blossoms but I’d say around November is the best time in Japan. Not too hot not too cold, beautiful fall leaves everywhere, and no major holidays domestically that can raise train and hotel prices like the other seasons do.

  14. These days I’d go in the fall through early spring. Spring weather feels likes it gotten weirder (rainy season starting early, lasting longer), and summer this year is BRUTAL. Like, I’m used to hot and humid, but this is terrible.

    I like fall foliage and I feel like it’s more reliable than chasing cherry blossoms.

  15. Autumn. Spring is overrated and too busy, Summer is a nightmare on earth with the worse humidity anywhere outside of Hokkaido (and way too busy), and winter is just rather dead (good for no crowds, but sights can be more restricted due to weather). Come in Autumn and travel to Tohoku. You won’t be disappointed.

  16. Early October is usually an ideal time to visit most of Japan. Occasionally there’s a burst of very hot or very cold weather (and occasionally typhoons), but on the whole it’s usually very nice.

    Spring travel I have found is usually pretty nice although you’re more likely to encounter rain or chilly weather than you do in the fall. I think I’ve only done spring time in Japan in March and early April. I think I should like to try again in late May sometime after golden week.

    One time I went to Tokyo around New Year’s, and it was quite nice. It was cool, not cold. That said, I would not encourage people to visit Tokyo between Christmas and New Year’s as a lot of stuff closes down.

    I have done Hokkaido and Tōhoku in the dead of winter. That’s great if you want to do snow activities like the Sapporo snow festival, but sightseeing in general becomes a lot more difficult. Lots of the tourist bus routes either stop or are on very limited schedules. Some establishments will close down or offer very limited hours. If you are the type who likes seeing third-tier tourist destinations, consider coming at some other time of the year!

  17. I made a rookie mistake and went in August. Didn’t check the weather….typhoon the first night. It was the most hot, humid days of my life and I’ve lived my whole life in Texas. I was soaking wet the entire time in Tokyo but then I went up into the mountains which was much more cool.

    Long story short, don’t go in the summer unless you are going to be up in the mountains and avoid typhoon season.

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