Will TSMC take Japanese taxpayer money and run?

Will TSMC take Japanese taxpayer money and run?


  1. Saw this originally post in r/hardware. Seems like there’s still some people pretty concerned about this investment.

    Like the comment in r/hardware, I cannot agree with the parts except the issue with intellectual property. Imo, another benefit Japan can get other from economic security is to revive the semiconductor industry, which is prone to be prosperous for decades to come.

  2. Japan has some of the leading tool + material suppliers in the semiconductor industry. Giving them an inside track into TSMC’s development process for 3D chips is a good investment and will create a lot of jobs while helping expand the domestic industry. Whether 3D chip tech will pan out in the next decade is an open question.

    E: I’m referring to the R&D facility. I don’t know much about the Kumamoto facility other than the fact that Japan needs to import a lot more engineers.

  3. Lmao shelling out literally half the cost of a fab with taxpayer money to one of the world’s most profitable companies, just for the chance of getting one that’s already several generations behind the latest tech

    Maybe think of how to build your own chip industry even if it isn’t the most cutting edge instead of begging for scraps?

    This is just Taiwan throwing Japan a bone in exchange for Japanese dying for Taiwan when China invades, wonder if anyone in Japan is smart enough to see through it

  4. Hopefully it won’t end up like Foxconn in Wisconsin.

    Millions spent for essentially a warehouse.

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