350,000yen stuck in paypay lite. Any loop holes, I need to get the money out.

So yesterday I was supposed to recieve some payment here in Japan. The guy sent the money on paypay and I just found out that there is a difference between paypay lite and paypay money. The dude sent me 350k on paypay and now after calling their help line I got to know that nothing can be done from their end and that I’d have to spend the money using paypay and that it can’t be transferred to a bank account nor can it be withdrawn.
So I was wondering if any of the reddit users here been through a similar situation? If yes are there any loopholes? Can I buy something and redeem it for cash? Wtf am I supposed to do with 348k worth of paypay credit.

Edit: The payment was made very spontaneously without any notice and I signed up for the full account last night. But they said that once the deposit is made in a lite account it can’t be transferred out of it. Which kinda sucks.

by stevensonsiggurson

  1. Use it? Lot of stores accept pay pay. Heck, even Amazon takes it. Any reason as to why you are unwilling to switch to a registered account?

  2. I use Paypay for 90% of everything i spend here

    If you don’t want to, could you either

    1. Send to a friend and have them give you cash?

    2. Send to a friend who has regular Paypay (not light) and he/she then sends to your Paypay (not light) and you withdraw from there?

    Is it possible to send from your PayPay light to your regular Paypay? I’ve never used Paypay light so don’t know what it can and can’t do.

  3. Need to mention, even if your account is a fully verified account, people can still send you Lite Money. The Lite Money is created when an idiot refuses to verify their account, subsequently tops up PayPay account, that money is deemed as Lite because it entered the PayPay system from an unverified account.

  4. I had a similar issue earlier this year. I had been paying my taxes with pay pay for the whole year before. Withdrawing cash from my bank and putting it in pay pay and paying my taxes at home. This year come May I withdrew similar ¥300,000 to cover taxes for house, residence, road, etc. when I tried to scan it said I couldn’t pay them because it was money lite.
    My husband called many times and kept getting a runaround. He said look a months salary is a lot. You didn’t do this last year. How can actual cash you put in be money lite??
    All my taxes had to be paid late since I had no access to the money. It took 3 months to get them to deposit it into my bank.
    I want to stop using PayPay because I’m so pissed off but too many places I need it. 😭 I remember the last time he called and talked to a supervisor asking her what she would do if she had ¥300,000 taken hostage from her. Very dodgy of them.

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