Japan is enticing for digital nomads, but visa hurdles remain


by iceebluephoenix

  1. sorry, I don’t know how to post with the article photo and everything like everyone else does!

  2. Note that the title says “FOR”, Japan has not done or changed anything to attract digital nomads, it’s just a great country to live in nonetheless and thus attracts all kind of people, including “digital nomads”. What a vacuous article, you could literally replace “digital nomads” for absolutely anything else and it’d remain the same.

    (talk about a “visa for digital nomads” has been happening for a decade at least, let’s revisit the article when something finally happens)

  3. Don’t forget about exit tax. Imagine parents leaving you 3mn, Japan takes half because of inheritance and then you return home after 5 years and they take half again because of the exit tax 😂

  4. I’d say Japan is enticing for anyone that can be paid in usd and work online/home

    It be fun too with the cheaper hotels travel around pay 10-30 and it be better then some the bad apts u get for that range in other countries minus the whole lease commitment and stuff

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