Is their a website where you can read manga’s or similar media where the hiragana or kanji can be copied? So it’s is more easy to translate it when I don’t understand something?

I’m open for other engaging media too. Just need a way to copy it.

  1. I recently heard about whichs aims at doing something like that for Japanese people trying to learn English with manga.

    They already have many interesting jump series and I think their approach to selecting how many % is in English or Japanese is fascinating! I know it’s not exactly what you asked for but it could still be helpful if reading manga with some translations is what you’re mostly interested in.

  2. There’s a website called bilingualmanga that has selectable text and lets you flip between translations. It closed down awhile ago, but is [archived](

    Your best option is to use OCR ( optical character recognition) programs to make lookups easier. Here are some I know of:

    [Kantan Manga](

    [Tachiyomi Fork for Learners](

    Sugoi Manga OCR

    Manga Rikai OCR

    Google Translate on your phone

    [Screenshot OCR Website]( manga manga ocr PC

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