Approach to learning vocab in addition to (but outside of) Wanikani

Apologies if this is a simple question that I’m just overthinking, but for those of you who use WaniKani as one of your study methods – how do you handle learning vocab outside of WK with Kanji you haven’t learned yet?

For grammar, I’m working through Genki, and finding that’s working well. However, as I get further into Genki and also start doing some basic reading, I feel like I keep running into an issue where I find Vocab that I don’t know and want to add it to an Anki deck for study. However, I’m not sure which of these is the best approach:

* Create a card that only shows me the Kanji on the front, and try to memorize the Kanji as part of the word, either through rote memorization or making up RTK/WaniKani mnemonics to help it stick. My hesitation to this approach is volume – do people who do this find they can actually learn 10+ new vocab pieces a day?
* Create a card that also contains the Furigana on the front to assist, with plans to eventually drop the Furigana once I’ve hit the Kanji in WK.

Again, the answer is maybe obvious, but I’m getting hung up on the best approach, and so I would appreciate some advice!

by bobthezo

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