JLPT Results are here !

I passed N2 with 170/180, I didn’t expect scoring this high !

What level did you take and what score did you get ?

by UnbreakableStool

  1. Super stoked! I managed to pass N3 – it was a close-cut thing, 103/180, I didn’t nearly as much time to study as I wanted due to, well, life, so passing was a huge weight off my shoulders.
    Vocab/Grammar: 37/60
    Reading: 29/60
    Listening: 37/60

    Congratulations on your excellent score! 170 is amazing.

  2. apparently I registered an unacceptable passcode on application and instead of receiving any sort of error I’m just stuck waiting until march

    the absolute state of japanese web development

  3. I passed N1 first try!! I definitely want to get a better reading score though, as it’s pretty much a reflection of how little I read over the years. That’s still definitely my biggest weakness of the three categories. But the past few months I’ve been reading at least an hour a day, hopefully I do better next time!

    Language Knowledge: 60/60

    Reading: 37/60

    Listening: 50/60

    Total: 147/180

  4. First try taking the N1, got a 85. Pretty disappointed I didn’t pass but with some more studying I feel confident in passing next year.

  5. gave N5 got 94/180… barely passed. Gotta improve my reading, got C in it. I thought my grammer is weak but got B in it.

  6. N2 68

     22 Knowledge/Grammar 

    19 Reading 

    27 Listening

     I came out of the test knowing I didn’t understand a single listening question (felt way harder this year), so I think there was a hell of a curve there. The other two sections were basically what I expected.

  7. wow, you smashed it! I got 105…a pass is a pass!! last time I failed it by just 2 points!!

  8. passed the n1 141/180 without doing any jlpt specific study (besides skimming over the n1 grammar list on the morning of the test). people talk about how obscure it is but i honestly didn’t feel that at all, felt very in line with native media

  9. First time taking the JLPT, took N1, got 115/180. glad to pass for sure, super inconvenient to travel to take the test for me lol

    My JP knowledge was able to counterbalance my terrible test taking ability just enough, I’m grateful for that. Congrats on your high score!

  10. N1 first try 167/180

    Never picked up a textbook and it shows, other 2 sections were 60/60 but sorta got rolled on 言語知識

  11. 1 year of 2 hours average a day study got me to N4 120.

    Edit: to be more clear, I actually started in March/April with kanji. I used a whole month (Feb) to browse r/LearnJapanese, research and setup resources, and designing a study plan that accomodated my pacing and strengths. Some days I studied 30 minutes, some 3 hours, some weeks I didnt even studied, and some I inmmersed myself as much as I could. Sorry for the vagueness, I just wanted to write a concise comment as I didnt want to go into detail.

  12. That’s one hell of a score! Congrats!

    Also took N2, second try;

    Reading and vocabulary: 34/60

    Reading comprehension: 23/60

    Listening comprehension: 49/60


    Roughly around what I was expecting; perhaps a bit lower, specially in the first section, since I was expecting 40ish points, but a pass is a pass and I’ll take it!

    Congrats to all who passed! And to those who didn’t; there’s always next time! 頑張って❗️

  13. 96 on my first N1 attempt. 32 vocab, 34 reading, 30 listening. Wish I had known about the previous tests being available online beforehand, and also wish I had brought an analog watch since there was no clock in the room at all. Other than that, I should have definitely studied specifically for the test, and I need to start reading more. Hopefully a year of studying will be worth 4 more points!

  14. Barely passed N5.

    I got 89/180

    61/120 on Grammar, Vocabulary and Reading

    28/60 on Listening

    I’m confused about how i got 61/120 when i got A on Grammar, A on Vocabulary and B on Reading

  15. Passed N2 on the first try!! 125/180.
    38/60 on language knowledge, 27/60 on reading 😅 and a perfect score 60/60 on listening!

    Have been studying Japanese for 6 years now which includes one year of advanced Japanese language school so maybe I’ll go for N1 in July?

  16. Didn’t pass N4 damnit, I really needed to pass this, listening comprehension score sucked hard bad

  17. Decided to take N1 on a whim since I found out the test center is within walking distance, managed to pass w/ 117 (41/45/31). I’ve only taken one formal course a long time ago but since then I just played video games/visual novels and read books so I was fairly confident that I wouldn’t have to study vocab/kanji, I would have to brush up on grammar, and listening would be scary. I was lazy so I didn’t end up starting my preparation until November and I had to crunch so I basically just went through Shin Kanzen Master bunpou and did a bunch of past exams. Here’s a breakdown of the sections and my advice:

    – Vocab: This was very easy, a lot of these I’d seen many times (軌跡 being one of my fav jrpg series). Also, デマ shows up in Higurashi, was very happy about that. My advice for this section is just read more. Pick something you are interested in, look up everything you don’t undestand, finish, repeat.
    – Grammar: I was worried about this b/c of my lack of formal study but SKM + the explanations from [this site](https://nihongokyoshi-net.com/) were more than enough preparation. Throw these into anki, make a custom study session, and cram away.
    – Reading: I didn’t think I would need to prepare for this but I did the practice exam in SKM Dokkai anyways, which was helpful for seeing what the problems would be like. If you’ve ever prepared for a standardized test before (esp SAT/AP lit lang), you know how to solve these reading questions.
    – Listening: I did much better than expected, but I also could have done way better had I prepared more. My recommendation would be to pull up some news vids (I used [FNN](https://www.youtube.com/@FNNnewsCH)) and practice taking notes while listening to the news stories. Hardest part was not understanding what was being said but keeping track of it, since my mind would start to wander and they do the whole “Do this for me, actually no I want you to do this first” thing on the test questions.

    Overall the test was about what I expected. If you are like me and have a lot of experience with JP but not the strongest foundation, going through Shin Kanzen Master books and practicing with some past exams is sufficient. If you want to ace it, really practice your listening note taking skills and pray that the speakers in your test room are good (mine were, thankfully).

    As for the next step on my JP journey, idk. I like Kanji and I’ve been studying for Kanken 2kyuu but idk if I want to ever take it. It would be cool to be one of those people who can pass 1kyuu but that’s a lot of studying, maybe one day.

  18. First time taking JLPT and I took the N4… and I passed! Very happy but surprised at my score.

    Language Knowledge & Reading: 108/120

    Listening: 50/60

    Total: 158/180

    Vocab: A Grammar: A Reading: B

    Is this consider a good score? IDK.

    Though, after only starting in August 2022 (so about ~1 year and a few months to N4) I am happy with my progress. Very surprised that I scored higher in Listening than Vocab, Grammar and Reading. I walked out feeling the exact opposite lol.

    Now I gotta decide by August registration if I want to go for N3 or for N2. N2 is obviously the more important and useful one, and I have ~11 months to study for it, so I could probably make it. But I’ll see how I feel in August I suppose.

  19. Failed N1 at 96 (34/31/31). I’m past the point where there’s anything I can really do except read and listen more, but at the same time I feel like the last ~500 hours of reading and listening I did made no difference for the type of skills the exam demands. I guess I can only hope that a few more years of input will *Slumdog Millionaire* me into 4 points’ worth of extra knowledge?

  20. Failed my first N3 with a narrow 91/180. 25/19/47.

    What frustrating is not the result, but the fact I have to wait for another half a year to take this bloody test again. 🙁

    For this many learners in the world, the fact that JLPT only happened twice a year is such a massive crime.

  21. I passed N5!! I can’t believe it. This gives me more motivation to keep on studying to get to a higher level. 💪🥰

  22. N3 first try fail (31/31/32 = 94/180) after studying Japanese fairly intensively for 1 year.

    Disappointing to miss by one point but I’m still happy with the progress I’ve made. Let’s keep going!

  23. I’ve been living in Japan for eleven years, I’m 16. I took N2 and got 20/180. 😀

  24. This was the first time that I took the JLPT, and I took the N2.

    Language: 24/60

    Reading: 19/60

    Listening: 23/60

    Total: 66/180

    I have a mixture of feelings, because I’ve never *really* studied with the goal of passing the tests in mind and just wanted to take it to experience it and maybe benchmark where I was. And also, I had been pretty lax and rusty in my studying up until a month before the test…

    But nobody likes to fail. I need to start doing more Japanese again…

  25. How is everyone in this thread getting almost perfect scores after like 6 months studying japanese ? XD

  26. Passed N1 with 155/180 after a year of intense self-study from zero. (Like 7+ hours of studying/reading/listening per day on average)

    Extremely happy with the result, of course. Started studying Japanese on a whim, but it’s been so fun and rewarding that I can’t imagine my life without it now.

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