Japan to make it easier to revoke foreigners’ permanent residency

Japan to make it easier to revoke foreigners’ permanent residency

by eockerman15

  1. Hi all! Emma Ockerman from Nikkei Asia here. I’m an audience engagement staffer here. I thought your community might find this article interesting.

    *Japan will consider revoking permanent residence permits of foreigners who continuously fail to pay taxes and social security insurance premiums, government officials said on Friday.*

    *The government plans to submit a bill to the current session of the Diet to revise related laws to the permanent residence permit system. The amendment will be aimed at requiring permanent foreign residents to strictly live up to their requirements as bearers of the nation’s social security regime.*

    The full story can be found [here](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Japan-immigration/Japan-to-make-it-easier-to-revoke-foreigners-permanent-residency). I hope everyone has a restful weekend!

  2. It’s basically specifically targeted towards loiterers and illegal marriages that exploits social welfare I guess.

  3. I am not saying let them get away with tax fraud etc but it seems like Japanese bureaucracy works fast when it comes to punishing foreigners but very slow and weak when it’s about solving very important and obvious problems.

  4. Permanent residency is not a right but a permission. If obligations are not fulfilled, it is only natural for the permission to be revoked.

  5. The type of people should include CCP shills, like the guy who went to Taiwan’s talk show and made fun of crippled people.

  6. I feel like in that case they should rename the status of residency then…

    Semi-permanent-but-by-god-we’ve-got-our-eye-on-you-boy-sonny-jim-laddie-boy residency or something.

  7. The problem Is with PRs who’ve moved overseas, register their address in Japan at a friend or relations place, don’t pay residence taxes in Japan, and yet milk the benefits. You’d think the government could at least spot such people by their movements through immigration.

    Now my question is, if you’re long term unemployed here you won’t be paying much in the way of taxes ( you also don’t receive support ), so will the government then decide to kick you out ?

  8. As with other articles on the topic, it is very clic bait and doesn’t really goes onto the topic.

    >Japan had some 880,000 foreign residents with these permits as of the end of June 2023

    How many are currently in tax delinquency? 27% of the foreigners in Japan are PR, and it doesn’t give any idea of how many people would be at risk under this potential new system, or how much money loss it represents for the government.

    Considering you must be already a really good resident in term of tax and other payments in order to get PR, since a single late payment can delay that acquisition for YEARS the chances are already small under that provision…

    In other words, this looks like a political troll aimed at diverging opinion of citizens towards a negative topic being “Those foreigners who come to suck up everything and don’t pay taxes”. There would not happen to be a election soon right? Or any scandal issue with the current in power government right ?

    It’s not like there are officials at the moment with over 5 BILLIONS Yens of unreported spendings making the news or anything right?

  9. Gooooooood! There are many gaijin including here that needs to go back to their home paradise as apparently they know all Japan’s problems and their solutions. They should be sent home to their problem free country where they will be welcomed back with a celebration for the ages.

  10. Deporting a 90 year old grandmother who has fallen on hard times is going to be photogenic…

  11. The US also has laws preventing immigrants from burdening the state. Not so much enforcement these days but it’s on the books.

    Also in America, if you bring a foreigner over to marry, then divorce your ex spouse applies for benefits, you the petitioner has to pay for it.

  12. They literally don’t do a thing for their actual social problems. But become xenophobic? It’s easy as cake

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